Our blog - February 2009







Internet marketing for business

February 23rd 2009. The principal of marketing is to announce services or goods of a business. There’re many ways to arrive there but we all see publicity on the television, radio and newspaper, therefore all these methods have points in commune; they’re expensive and last the time of the campaign. Internet marketing for business ...


Salary and income with work

February 21st 2009. Education teaches us to exchange our liberty against a pay check from a stable job or to have a noble profession to devote the major part of our life. But education don’t inform us that we can create a business or commerce and therefore use people’s time as multiplier and therefore enjoy life a bit more. Salary and income ...


How to make incomes

February 11th 2009. Who has never asked themselves how to make incomes, to know a simple way to generate incomes for a better life quality? Evidently, we aren’t talking about receiving easy money without doing anything, but to realize something concrete that creates in our feelings peace, this peaceful mind and the power in us to have options in life. How to make incomes ...


Targeted markets in marketing

Febuary 6th 2009. You own a business or a store and your business is actually going well, then it's time to act and increase your profitability because you know that there're ups and downs, and when things are down, it's more difficult to act with objectivity because the pressure is different. Targeted markets ...


How to start a small business

Febuary 3rd 2009. What is a small business ? What do we mean with "small" ? A small building, small incomes, small clientele. Maybe it's small expenses, small problems. The only important thing for a business to continue its operations are customers. Start a small business ...


Secret to approach a stranger

Febuary 1st 2009. One of the hardest thing in the world is to approah a stranger in order to present a product or a service and even to simply meet someone. There are classes and formations in marketing or public relations, but in fact, the person who teach's has maybe no proper experience. Secret to approach a stranger...